Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Good or Bad Outcome?
If you were to do something bad, to learn from it there should be a bad outcome.  I believe that if you were to do something bad there should not be a good outcome.  People do bad things all the time and most of the time their is not a good outcome.  If you kill someone, the cops will be after you and most likely you will go to jail.  People that do bad things don't deserve to know what good feels like.  They should only get to have the good feeling if they do something good.
In Macbeth, Macbeth thought it was okay to kill people because in his prophecy it was said he would be king.  Macbeth thought that the only way to be king was to kill all the people in his way.  His life was not turning out the way he wanted after awhile because Macbeth had to keep killing people to keep his secret a secret.  For Macbeth his ending was not a happy one.  People who kill others don't deserve happy endings.
There are people who cheat in the world and if they are not caught, then they are more likely to get a happy ending.  If I were to cheat on a test or paper and not get caught, I could get a good grade.  This would be an example of me doing something bad and getting a good outcome.  But in Beauty and the Beast, the Beast does bad things in the beginning and gets a bad outcome to where he is changed into a ugly beast.  In the end he is changed for the better and changes back to a human.  This is how someone could change and get a good outcome that they deserve.  At first the Beast got what he deserved, saw what he did wrong, and changed to be a better person.  Although I still don't believe that "evil means justify honorable ends."

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dark Images
There is many "dark" images in Macbeth.  Three of them are when the weird sisters are making a disturbing potion, when the three apparitions show up, and when the three murderers kill Banquo.  First the murderers kill Banquo.  They had stabbed him in the face so no one would recognize him.  The murderers were supposed to kill Fleance as well, but he got away in time. Before Macbeth goes to see the weird sisters they make their potion.  They use baby limbs and a cannibal sow's blood to create the potion.  When Macbeth arrives, they ask him if he wants to talk to them or their masters.  He asks to speak to their masters, so the sisters summon the three apparitions.
Shakespeare uses many dark images in Macbeth.  He does this so his story is more appealing.  If Macbeth was just about this guy who fights in a war and becomes king because the king dies of an illness.  The story would be really boring and there would be no highlights or "good" parts in the play.

A modern movie that incorporates similar imagery and purpose is "Maleficent."  In the movie, Maleficent uses dark magic to put a curse on Aurora so that she may never wake up.  King Stephen cuts Maleficent's wings off and keeps them in a trophy case.  I can't talk anymore about the movie without giving it away, but there are many more examples of dark imagery and purpose in "Maleficent."

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Some people crave power, while others do not.  In Macbeth, at first he doesn't act like the kind of person to crave power, but inside he really does.  He has killed innocent men to get it.  People can also abuse the power they are given.  These people don't know what they are truly doing because they are blinded by what they desire.  People who don't want to be put in the place of power should be.  Why? Because they won't abuse or be corrupted by the power given to them.  They will use it wisely and for the good of the people.  The people who can be corrupted by power are selfish and only think of themselves.  This digs them into a deeper hole than they were already in.
There are many qualities for a person to have in order for them to be the "hero" even if they have the power to be the "villain."  The hero needs to be smart, make good choices, and to be a good person in general.  They have to know right from wrong and good from bad.  Macbeth knows right from wrong but he was blinded by his wife and the chance to be king.  A true hero wouldn't be blinded by his ambition and would fight for what is right.
Isis, a terrorist group, is like Lady Macbeth.  They both crave power and will do almost anything to get what they want.  Although, Lady Macbeth stays under the radar and has Macbeth do all the dirty work.  Isis is willing to get there hands dirty to get the power they desire.  Even though Isis and Lady Macbeth are getting closer to power, it might not end how they want it to.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Macbeth and Banquo, from Macbeth, at the moment seem to be friends.  Although there is a feeling that Banquo will become jealous of Macbeth and bad things might happen between them.  The three witches for told Macbeth's future as a good and magnificent future.  Banquo wanted to hear his future as well.  The witches told him his future that he will not be as a great as Macbeth, but will be at the same time.  This leads me to believe that Banquo at one point will become jealous of Macbeth and they will get in a fight.  I don't think that they will be lifelong friends.
There are many qualities that it takes to be a good friend.  Some of them are trust, honesty, caring, fun,  humorous (might help), and be yourself.  If you are not a trustworthy friend, your friend won't let you in on secrets.  They will also consider you to not be honest and there will always be an atmosphere of unhonesty when you are around each other.  If you are not yourself around your friend, you would be in a "false friendship."  They think that you are a totally different person than from the one that you really are.  Although if you have all these qualities,  you and  your friend should have a great friendship!  
One of my relationships with my friend is a great one.  I can tell that we are going to be friends forever.  Yes, we have had our fights, but we both realize that the things we fight about are too stupid to come between us.  We both like each other for who we are and not what we fantasize about being.  I am a very lucky person to have this friend in my life.  I think that we have all the possible qualities, maybe more, to be friends for life.  We can talk about anything and we know that the other won't tell another living soul.  This is what best friends do.